A Few Changes In The Garden

Welcome to A Few Changes In The Garden, the website of my Griffydam garden in North West Leicestershire.  This website and associated Facebook page provides a warts and all account of the everyday challenges in developing the garden.  The two tier garden has undergone a few changes in recent years.  

The upper garden, nearest the house, is reasonably traditional with mixed beds, lawns and patios.   Other features include flower filled wheelbarrows, a plough, milk churns and a dragonry, where else would you keep your dragons?

The lower garden comprises raised beds with trellis tunnels and a large patio.

The side garden has a greenhouse and growing area.

There is a one acre wildflower meadow with various trees and shrubs.  This used to be the car park of the Travellers' Rest night club, although the tarmac was removed, the compressed hardcore and clay remain which makes growing conditions difficult.

Open garden for charity on Saturday 8th June part of Griffydam Open Gardens 2024 and Saturday 17th August 2024 for Swannington Heritage Trust